card game played with four players, in two teams or four teams
Trix roles:1- two teams (partnership) or four teams,if two team each opposite players with each others, else each player alone.2- kingdoms or Complexkingdoms, each kingdom can order "Heart King, Queens, Diamonds, Collects" and TrixComplex, can order just "complex" which contains all kingdoms orders in 1 and Trix3- Game Order Values:Hear King: -75 "Try not to collect lap contains Heart King"Queen: each queen -25 total queens -100 "Try not to collect lap contains queen"Diamonds: each diamond -10 total diamonds 130 "Try not to collect lap contains diamond"Collects: each card collected -15 total -195 "Try not to collect any lap"Trix: first player +200 , second +150, third +100, last +50 , total 500 "Try to be the first"Duplications:when king duplicated then values becomes -75 * 2 = 150the player win the duplicate gets +75queens dupllicat value = -25*2 = -50the player win the duplicate gets +25 fresh cases "replay game":Trix: when not partner ship and one player has 3 cards of "TWO" and the opposite color of card "THREE" or four "TWO"Queens: when partnership and each team got -50Heart King: when not partnership and one player has either king or Ace from hearts alone or with card remove internet required to playremove long video ads